International Business Leader Forum
Graham Minter is a
consultant specializing in the promotion of responsible business conduct. He is currently an associate with Day
Associates, an independent 'think and do' tank committed to building the
capacity of governments and companies to understand and address their human
rights challenges. He has been involved
in corporate responsibility and investment climate issues both before and since
leaving the British Diplomatic Service in 2005, where his final position was as
Head of the Foreign Office's Global Business Group, responsible for the FCO's
relations with business. He has
extensive experience of working with business, NGOs, government and academia on
these issues, both in the UK and overseas.
He is particularly interested in working with governments to develop a
policy climate that encourages responsible business. In recent years, he has worked extensively on
Middle East and North Africa (MENA) issues.
From 2005 to 2009, he co-chaired an OECD
initiative to help to improve the investment climate in the MENA region and a
related initiative to help MENA governments to develop policies that facilitate
responsible business conduct. In 2010 he worked with the Egyptian Corporate
Responsibility Centre on the development of a national strategy for responsible
business. From 2005 to 2011 he worked as
a consultant to the International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) on a number of
projects, including the Voluntary Principles for Security and Human Rights
(VPs), a multi-stakeholder initiative to help extractives companies to ensure
their security while respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms.