Mr. Luc Ronat

General Manager 
Nestlé Waters’ affiliate in Lebanon 

Mr Luc Ronat was appointed as General Manager of Nestlé Waters’ affiliate in Lebanon in 2008. Nestlé bottles locally leading brands such as Sohat and Nestlé Pure Life. The affiliate distributes also Nestlé’s international waters such as Perrier, San Pellegrino, Acqua Panna, Vittel & Contrex.

Luc, a French citizen has a degree of Agricultural Engineering from Lille in France which was completed by an MBA from the London Business School. His career started in the arable seeds business in France working for a subsidiary of the Total-Elf group. During his early career, Luc took various positions with increasing responsibilities in marketing, sales support & regional management in France. Following his MBA studies in London, Luc expanded his career internationally joining various FMCG multinationals in finance & sales development and later general management roles. Before transitioning to Nestlé, Luc spent a few years in strategic and business development consultancy gaining experience & exposure to IT & service industries. During his career, Luc was successfully exposed to market entries, business restructuring & growth acceleration strategies over a large geography including Latin America, South Africa, Central & Eastern Europe as well as Central Asia.

 In Lebanon, Luc leads Nestlé Waters “Creating Shared Value” initiatives in various areas such as forestation, plastic recycling, water education and preservation.

 Luc Ronat & his wife, Catherine have 3 children.