
The conference starts at 8:00AM on Friday May 4, 2012, and the keynote speech will be delivered at 9:00AM by H.E. Minister of Economy and Trade, Nicolas Nahas.

Schedule Day 1:  Friday, May 4, 2012
Opening Session:  Welcome and Keynote Speech 
Registration and Coffee
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Dr. George Najjar, Dean
Olayan School of Business
Dr. Peter Dorman, President
American University of Beirut
Key Note Speech, H.E. Nicolas Nahas
Minister of Economy and Trade

Coffee Break
Panel 1: CEOs and CSR--A Critical Perspective

Aramex, Middle East & Africa
Booz & Co. 

Panel 2:  International CSR Advocates

World Bank
Day Associates
Authentic Leadership Institute
Global Reporting Initiative
International Labour Organization

Coffee Break
Panel 3: CSR and Academia: AUB in Focus

AUB Professor of Public Health
AUB Neighborhood Initiative
AUB Center for Civic Engagement
AUB CSR Initiative
AUB IBSAR Initiative

Dinner and Networking Event
Abdel Wahab Restaurant

Schedule Day 2: Saturday, May 5, 2012
Panel 4: Regional Best Practices 

DLA Piper 

Emirates Environmental Group
Bank Audi sal
Hikma Pharmaceuticals

Coffee Break
Panel 5: Social Enterprise—Responsible Business Models

Dreams Indeed
Souk El Tayeb
Cedar Environmental
Sarah’s Bags
2B Design
Tomorrow’s Youth Organization

Lunch Break
Panel 6: MNCs On Next Frontiers

Coca-Cola Company
Ms. Mona Shantouf, General Manager
Nokia Levant 
Wrap Up

*click on the speaker name to read more about him/her